Monday 28 January 2013

Cheap Hooker…

I’ve been quiet lately, but I have been steadily continuing with my granny stripe blanket in the evenings and am seeing some good progress.  I am at the stage of feeling a bit disheartened that I didn’t plan my wool purchases pre-project so I am making do with the colours I had and the colours I found along the way…  P1020125They are not my chosen ideal colours, but I think they do work together well, in that rainbow kind of way!  I shall keep crochet-ing on.  It’s very loooooooooooong…it may take a while…….

My best friend came down on the weekend, and she has taken inspiration and borrowed her mums sewing machine.  That’s all she’s done… so far!  But she has plans to set it up, to re-learn winding of the bobbins etc. and then she’ll be on her way.  We were chit chattering away, and keen to give crochet a go, I gave her some wool and a hook and she followed the pattern for the granny stripe.  There were ups, and there were definitely some downs!  We bodged here and dodged there…but in the end she accomplished this…!P1020130

Not bad at all for an ad-hoc try. She enjoyed doing it and she thinks she’s going to get a hook and give it a go…  My sister suggested buying some cheap wool…and then she could be a cheap hooker! That did make us giggle…

On the side, I’ve been looking for some inspiration for sewing projects and I have a few things written down to get my teeth into… they should be fun.

The snow’s all melted, the sun was (dare I say it) shining yesterday and I had a spring like feel in my step.  I am looking forward to sunnier times…

Love from me and my little man x

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha...a cheap hooker?!! Well I'll have you know I went out and purchased me some wool...not the cheap stuff! And I'll be starting crocheting in a little while! The sewing machine is up and running and is making crafty stuff this space!! and is that triangular material picture a hint at the 'secret project??!!!!
    Your craft is looking great as always!

