Project 1: Yo-Yo's first Christmas Bib.

I can see all the niggly bits...and I have now learned that interface bonding stuff exists for future projects! I think that would have been better with the lettering and then I could have embellished with hand stitching.
Well the next challenge was blinking Royal Mail!!! I understand the Christmas delays..but first class taking almost a week! We were both held in suspense...and then she got it...and it fits...and it will be worn Christmas day! (I have warned her it may not wash well but that I don't mind if it gets worn and ruined!)
She's already blogged about it here on her page... Aderyn Du
Project 2: A decoration for a dear friend
My lovely friend Josephine had a baby boy this year (a lot of boys about!) and I thought this could be used as a First Bauble...but I'm a bit late posting! She's mid moving house so I hope they haven't got the internet connected yet! I think she will appreciate a bit of home made making...I always tell her I'm doing a "josephine" which translates as pottering about being productive and creative! She's always making in the kitchen, has taken up knitting...and I think she's great! She makes me smile so I hope this makes her smile!
Seeing as the gingerbread man looked okay, I thought I'd go for a gingerbread man bauble! All handstitched, so another new challenge.
I cut out the two shapes and decorated - purple buttons with gold thread, smiley face, and icing for arms and legs. I then embroided his name on the back. I then had my first go at Blanket Stitch. I used this tutorial from future girl which was very helpful and easy to understand - Future Girl So I blanket stitched around him and stuffed him toward the end. I remembered to put a nice hanging loop at the top.
I don't think he looks too shabby! For next time I will use a different colour embroidery thread so that it's more easily read, and I think I'll reconsider so many letters (Christmas is a long word and it loses it's affect when you have to squish it in!). The blanket stitch was good, but I kept running out of thread so it was a bit stop/start this time. I also should have straight stitched the loop in...some reason I tried blanket stitching around it...but that was a bit silly of me!! These learning points are a good record of what to improve next time!
What do you think...?!
I think he'll look nice on a tree...!
More crafting next Christmas I feel...
Love from me and my little man x
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