Two new skills starting to establish...Sewing and Blogging! Needless to say I need quite a lot of practice in both areas, but we only learn from our mistakes...(I've bought a seam ripper for my sewing mistakes...)!
My dearest sister ( has been crafting for years...and I have been the recipient for the majority of her makes, so she has encouraged me to give it a go. The fact that John Lewis had the most gorgeous machines on the shelves did encourage me a little further my birthday money from husband and my mother was spent lavishly on my little (rather mini compared to my sisters beast!) but utterly gorgeous machine. I haven't decided on a name for her yet....
She's a bit gorgeous isn't she?!!
Little Blue...
What do you think....?!
So I got her home...and she needed a new home. I've been struggling with use of my mini conservatory for a while, so why not try as my sewing/hobby room.
The gorgeous throw on my sofa is one created by my sister for me...having started some projects I now have even more appreciation for the time and energy that's gone into making it! It's by far my favourite make of hers yet!
A few pretty things bought (pretty but surely essential for sewing jobs)!
So she has a home...and I have a new home...and so we are off!
Love from me and my little man x
A very pretty sewing machine!