Today was my first ever 5K Race For Life!
Here’s my Race for Life Story…
For a bit of team bonding in work we somehow decided that running a 5K would be a good option. It sounds so good at the time…then the training starts and you think “hmmm…was this such a good idea?”. Then the day gets closer and you get a bit like “Crumbs I don’t think I’ll be able to finish”. Then the day arrives and you think “I’m going to be useless”. Then you’re at the warm up with friends thinking “Yes I can do this!”…and then you’re at the starting line and it’s too late to back out!
I did the couch to 5K plan to start my running off last year. I though it would be a cheap, easy way to take up exercise to try and shift some of my baby weight. I am no natural runner. I huff, puff, have wibbly wobbly bits and I get quite a lot hot and sweaty (I always say to myself that everyone looks un-glam on the road to achieving glam!). It was hard but I achieved my 5K then, but then stopped when I returned to work. This was a good opportunity to get back into running again.
I was surprised how easily it is to lose condition when you stop, although I didn’t take too long to get back into the swing of things. I aimed for 3x a week run…some longer runs, some shorter. I think I’ve enjoyed it more this time. Maybe that’s due to having something to aim for.
We all met up at the start before splitting up to take to our sections. I think we all look really glam! Here we are…
Outfit Time
Somehow in the planning, our team decided that we would all wear Pink Tutu’s to ensure our presence on the race course! Handmade Tutu’s of course.
I went for 1metre each of 3x different coloured pink netting with some wide black elastic. It cost under £4 to make so bargainous. I toyed with doing a sewn version, but I went for tying the netting onto the elastic with a slip knot to ensure I had enough “Frufffff”!
The netting was troublesome to cut as it kept slipping all over the place…so each strand adopted it’s own personality! It took an evening to make so quick and fool proof. Surprisingly it gobbled up fabric and there was potential space for more, but I settled for what I had.
Here is the finished Tutu…
…(this is a post race photo so I am pleased to say it, and I, survived!)
I pinned my banner to my top…

My husband and my little man came along to join in the fun and cheer me on. My niece made us some “Cheering” banners…
There was brilliant support around the course which definitely spurred you on.
My Run
So on one of the hottest days of the year (so far) I managed to run (or should I say melt) all the way around (except maybe 2mins of walking to rehydrate in the full blast of the sun). The beginning was super annoying as there were lots of walkers I needed to weave in and out of, but then the spaces slowly opened up. I was super proud to finish. I’m not sure what time I did it in…I think somewhere between 35-45 minutes…I was just glad to have survived!

Here is me post race (minus the tutu which came off straight away!) brandishing my well deserved medal! I think my t-shirt is reflecting onto my face…ahem…sweaty!!

A post run picnic in the park was well deserved, so an obligatory family pic to finish off…I love my men!
What a wonderful day…I’m definitely going to do it again!
Lots of sweaty hugs,
From me and my little man x