I hope you are all okay? My week of holiday has come and gone far too quickly. I have had fun though. I’ve had my haircut, done some crafting, done lots of shopping, play dates with mummies/babies, lazing, the odd lie-in…it’s been good. My husband phoned me on one of the days to tell me he was on his way home! He took some holiday so that he could spend some time with me. It was nice to see him and spend some time as a couple, rather than parents, for 5 minutes.
The work meetings were as dull as can be expected. One delivered the message of doom that we have to competitively re-apply for our jobs some when after April. The NHS never fails to surprise me. If they let services have some time to develop they would prove efficiency…whereas all this continual changing and continual paperwork unfortunately leave the patients, and the staff, worse off. I find the thought of the whole thing quite demoralising when you have worked hard to achieve your current level. And an “Assessment Day”…oh please. Oh well, I can’t do much about it apart from dreaming of my little crafting tea shop… Funky teapots, Large mugs of tea, home baked cakes and snacks, rustic wooden tables with pretty table cloths, hustling bustling creativity and gossip… Does anyone want to jump on board and invest…?!!
To make up the for the bad news, what better way than to spend money that they are going to take away from you in the near future! Off to the fabric shop I went…! I bought a few odds and ends.
I’ve printed off a few patterns recently, and have been pondering which one to start with…The Food Mixer Cover won!
My husband bought me a K-Mix a few years ago for my birthday.
I loved it then and I still love it now! The gorgeous almond white colour sitting proudly on my kitchen surface. It has been used, and is not just for decoration, although my baking is few/far between lately (mainly due to the fact we just eat EVERYTHING I make and then we get fatter!)
One thing I found sad was that it gathers a layer of dust, and I have to wipe it down frequently to make sure it stays in tip top condition. I remember by Gran has a mixer cover, covered with bumble bees and amongst them is a queen bee I used to enjoy spotting out. Although I love to look at my mixer, I thought I could make it a cover to keep it warm during the baking lulls.
I set about and found a pattern…but it wasn’t the easiest of instructions to follow so I did kind of wing it.
I quilted the material to give it a bit more rigidity so it would keep it’s shape. My first go at quilting…I’m not very good at straight line sewing still! I
decided to go ad-hoc with the quilting lines. My material did pucker up in places, but that was a learning curve for me. I sewed the panel pieces together as the finished piece would look and then bound the edges. The binding didn’t take in a few places and could have been neater but I felt like I was rushing for some reason to get this finished.
I did triumph in the end and it is completed…and it does fit! It’s not my best work, but it’s a good effort. I could always re-bind at a later date if I want to.
Here are some pictures of my finished product…

Red and White spot with a blue binding.
Lining was blue mini-dot poodle fabric (ahem…the poodle was a mistake!…
I asked for a meter of fabric and as I was getting other bits off the shelf she’d cut…and there was a hidden row of massive poodles on the bottom of the roll!)

It does the job and matches in with the kitchen.
Overall I am pleased.
Learning for next time…
1) take more time,
2) binding can be fiddly…make sure it’s caught both sides,
3) pin material for quilting…watch puckering.
That’s all for now I suppose…all though I do have a sneak peak for you…

If anyone wants to fund my cafe venture you know where I am!
Love from me and my little man x